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2019 275 Detail Images part 2


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral 2*
Staff member
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC 27614
Boat Make
Boat Model
242X E-Series
Boat Length
275_Keel.png275_Ladder.png275_Shower1.png275_Shower2.png275_Sink Prep1.png275_Sink1.png275_Sink3.png275_Stern Lights1.png275_Stern Lights2.png275_Stern Seating1.png275_Stern Seating3.png275_Stern Seating6.png275_Stern Seating7.png275_Stern Seating13.png275_Stern Seating17.png275_Subwoofer.png275_Sunroof.png275_Sunroof2.png275_Swim Platform Speaker1.png275_Swim Platform Stereo.png275_Throttle.png275_Twin Engines1.png275_Twin Engines2.png275_Under Seat Storage1.png275_Wet Storage1.png275_Wind Divider.png
Perhaps I spoke too soon in my previous response. I do like the back lounges, the underwater LED lighting and the swim up seats.
How the heck do you get to the starboard side oil filter? Perhaps when you spend 100K plus on a boat....you don't worry about that! LOL
View attachment 88067
Good point, I wondering the same thing. However, I bet you this boat is SUPER QUIET, the way the engine compartments are small and completely enclosed. I love that aspect of it.

Good point, I wondering the same thing. However, I bet you this boat is SUPER QUIET, the way the engine compartments are small and completely enclosed. I love that aspect of it.


Doesn't look quiet to me. Lots of fiberglass there to resonate. That foam pad isn't going to do much of anything.
Looks like they used stainless steel hatch support struts as well. Huge complaint I have is the use of regular struts. Mine are all rusting in the salt water and air. Looking to replace them w/stainless steel. Anyone else changed theirs out?
Good point, I wondering the same thing. However, I bet you this boat is SUPER QUIET, the way the engine compartments are small and completely enclosed. I love that aspect of it.


Saw it and heard it at the Miami Boat Show, it is quieter than most of the current boats, but still much louder than any 4 stroke OB, lots of power though.